Shirley Chin


Tree is an animated short film about a deciduous tree that tries to be friends with a pine tree, only to be made fun of and teased thereafter. The deciduous tree feels stuck having to live with this, until a sudden event changes everything.

This was created as the final project of a Motion Graphics class at NYU in the Fall 2020 semester. It was also shown at the IDM Film Festival that semester. The project was created from November 6 to December 4. I created the assets in Illustrator and animated everything in After Effects. The music is from Fesliyan Studios and the sound effects are from Freesound.

Mood Board

Mood board of digital deciduous trees and pine trees


1st part of a storyboard for Tree, depicting the deciduous tree being planted next to the pine tree in summer, waving hello before being ignored by the pine tree, and losing its leaves in autumn 2nd part of a storyboard for Tree, depicting the pine tree laughing at the deciduous tree's lack of leaves, which makes the deciduous tree feel upset going into winter, where the pine tree throws snow at it 3rd part of a storyboard for Tree, depicting the pine tree being cut down and taken away, leaving the deciduous all alone

More information about the process of creating this short film will be posted later.